
What Does The All The Mods Modpack Offer Players In Minecraft?

1 years ago By AI Smith

The most recent installment of the All the Mods series for Minecraft, All the Mods 9 (ATM9), is proof of the variety and development of modifying in the game. This modpack incorporates a vast array of almost 400 mods, from popular favorites to more recent, obscure additions, greatly improving the vanilla Minecraft experience.

Originally a private pack for a small group of friends, the ATM series has evolved into a popular experience within the gaming community by combining key components from popular modpacks with original and novel material. What the modpack in the game delivers is explained in this article.

What benefits does the All The Mods modpack provide for Minecraft users?

Extensive collection of mods

The biggest highlight of ATM9 is its wide range of mods, which guarantees a deep and varied gameplay experience suitable for all kinds of players.

The level of flexibility and creativity possible in ATM9 is unmatched thanks to the mods that expand the standard blocky universe and add new gaming mechanisms and visual themes.

Quest integration and endgame challenges

The integrated quest system in ATM9 is one of its best features; it offers an additional degree of participation and advancement. These missions lead players through a sequence of tasks and accomplishments, enhancing the structure and focus of the gameplay.

The modpack also features a well-thought-out endgame with difficult objectives like building the ATM Star and taking on powerful opponents like the Gregstar. For those looking for more complex gameplay aspects, this endgame content delivers a thrilling challenge and a sense of accomplishment to gamers.

Diverse gameplay categories

ATM9 features a number of gaming genres, such as technology, magic, multiplayer, and adventure. Because of its versatility, the modpack is able to satisfy a wide spectrum of players, from those who are interested in the intricate details of technology and engineering in the game’s universe to those who are captivated by mystical components and magical systems.

Enhanced survival and combat

ATM9’s addition of new tools, equipment, and mobs greatly improves the game’s fighting and survival elements. The game becomes increasingly exciting and captivating as players take on new obstacles and employ creative tactics for fighting and survival.

Because of the modpack’s vastness, players can discover new areas, come across unusual animals, and use cutting-edge equipment and weaponry for protection and survival.

Community and ongoing development

ATM9’s vibrant community and continuous expansion are among its main advantages. Frequent updates and upkeep assist the modpack by guaranteeing stability and a seamless gameplay experience.

A collaborative and dynamic environment is fostered by the vibrant community surrounding ATM9, which serves as a hub for exchanging tips, unique constructions, and custom modifications.

The pinnacle of Minecraft modding with All the Mods 9

The originality and inventiveness that are possible in modding are embodied by All the Mods 9. It makes the core game into a multifaceted experience that appeals to fans of magic, exploration, and technology.

With frequent updates and vibrant community support, the modpack is a dynamic and ever-changing aspect of the game’s modding scene, giving players countless chances for exploration, ingenuity, and adventure.

ATM9 delivers a thorough and engaging Minecraft experience, whether you’re looking to improve the visuals of the game, explore new areas, or delve into cutting-edge magic and technology.

ATM9 replaced the extensively used ATM8, which was popular before. Let’s examine the offerings of ATM8 in order to gain a better understanding of ATM’s offerings: 

Once a modest “private pack” for ATMTeam members, All the Mods 8 has become a hugely popular mod bundle for Minecraft. It mixes a ton of fresh and/or obscure mods in a convenient way; as of this writing, there are an astounding 324 mods. This modpack has consequently emerged as the preferred bundle among the Minecraft community. The full list of all the mods in the mod pack is provided below, so keep reading if you want a sneak peek at what’s in there.

Minecraft All The Mods 8: All Mods Included in the Modpack

Cosmetics, Utility, and QOL Mods in Minecraft All the Mods 8

The list of all the mods for Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack that bring new graphics, utilities, quality-of-life (QOL), and other life-saving features is provided below. Many QOL mods are available that can greatly improve gaming efficiency. Among the examples are FindMe, All The Tweaks, Guard Villagers, and Crafting Tweaks. When you return to the original version of Minecraft, you will undoubtedly miss these new features!

Absent by DesignAdds models and code for the blocks; adds zero textures.Lothrazar
Additional LanternsAdds many new lanterns with different colors and materials!SuperMartijn642
Additional LightsThis mod adds many new lights. Over 200 variations.mgen256
AllTheCompressedAdds 1-9x compressed versions of blocksPdiddy973
AllthemodiumAdds Allthemodium ore into the world.thevortexFoxTopia, ATMTeam
ATO – All the OresUnify all the common ores in ATM packs.thevortexFoxTopia, ATMTeam
Advancement Plaques [Forge]Replace advancement popups with fancy glowing plaques.Grend_G
AIOT BotaniaCreates Super Farmland.MelanX
All The TweaksAdjustments to the Minecraft Backgrounds for options menus.thevortexFoxTopia
Angel RingAdds an Angel Ring, which allows you to fly.DenisMasterHerobrine
AntiGhostAdds the ability to search for key binds.Giselbaer
ApotheosisAllows you to become stronger than ever before.Shadows_of_Fire
AppleSkinProvides information about some Food-related mechanics.squeek502
Applied CookingA mod that allows Applied Energistics 2 and Cooking for Blockheads to work together!ItsSebastrn
Aquaculture 2Expands the fishing system with over 30 new fish.Shadow, Girafi
Ars ElementalArs Nouveau addon.Alexth99
Ars NouveauA magic mod inspired by Ars Magicka that allows players to craft their own spells.baileyholl2, Gootastic
ArtifactsArtifacts is a mod that aims to make exploration more rewarding by adding various powerful items that cannot be crafted.ochotonida
Baubley Heart CanistersThis mod adds back the old Tinkers’ Contruct heart canisters.UpcraftLP, traverse_joe
Bad Wither No Cookie – ReloadedBlock wither spawn, end dragon death, lightning, thunder, or other sounds you care to configure.Kreezxil
Bamboo Everything (Forge/Fabric)This mod adds new building blocks made with bamboo, each block includes a dry texture variant as well.Gaz_
Better AdvancementsSuccessor to BetterAchievements.way2muchnoise
BetterF3Replaces Minecraft’s original debug HUD.cominixo
Blue Flame BurningMakes soul fire burn entities with a blue flame.LobsterJonn
Blue SkiesAdds two dimensions called the Everbright and the Everdawn.ModdingLegacy, silver_david, KingPhygieBoo, Lachney
BotaniaA tech mod themed around natural magic.Vazkii
Botany PotsThis mod adds the Botany Pot, which is a block that can grow all kinds of crops.DarkhaxDev
Botany TreesThis mod is an addon for Botany Pots.DarkhaxDev
Charm of Undying (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)Adds curios and trinkets support for the Totem of Undying.TheIllusiveC4
ChippedOffers over 9,000 unique building blocks for Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack.grimbop, kekie6, terrariumearth
ChoiceTheorem’s Overhauled VillageThis pack adds 20 village variants and pillager outpost variants.ChoiceTheorem
Adds many new items and blocks that expand upon the vanilla game.Lets you click on the advancements in chat to open the Advancement windowsomeaddon
ClumpsClumps XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag.Jaredlll08
ComfortsAdds sleeping bags and hammocks to Minecraft.TheIllusiveC4
Connected GlassAdds new types of glass with connecting textures!SuperMartijn642
ControllingAdds many new items and blocks that expand upon the vanilla game.Jaredlll08
Corail TombstoneHandles your death and provides tons of configuration options.Corail_31
Corail WoodcutterThis mod provides a sawmill acting like the stonecutter but for wooden planks/logs.Corail_31
Cosmetic Armor ReworkedThis mod allows you to wear two sets of armor.LainMI
Crafting on a stickThis mod adds multiple workbenches on a stick.OfekN_
Crafting TweaksThis mod adds buttons to many supported Crafting Tables.BlayTheNinth
CreateA mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration, and Aesthetic Automation.simibubi
Create Crafts & AdditionsExtends Create and act as a bridge between electricity and kinetic energy by adding an Electric Motor.MRHminer
Creeper OverhaulReplaces the vanilla creeper with a variety of different biome-specific creeper typesjoosh_7889, ThatGravyBoat
CroptopiaAdds 58 ground crops, 26 tree crops, and over 250 foods to eat.thethonk
Dark Mode EverywhereTransform any GUI texture into a Dark ModeBuuz135
Dark UtilitiesAdds many new items and blocks which expand upon the vanilla game.DarkhaxDev
Deeper and DarkerAims to improve and enhance the Deep Dark.KyaniteMods
DefaultSettingsNever lose local settings when updating your modpack!PT400C
DelightfulFarmer’s Delight addon with mod compatibility features and fun new foods.brdbrn
Domum OrnamentumA mod where you open giant portals that pour forth hordes of enemies.OrionOnline
Dungeon CrawlGenerates large underground roguelike dungeon structures.xiroc_
Eccentric TomeAdds a single item: the Eccentric Tome.EccentricVamp
Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)Uses Curios API/Trinkets API to add an elytra slot to the player inventory.TheIllusiveC4
Energy MeterIt adds a simple block you can use for measuring energy transfer rates.Relentless
EvilCraftA magic/technical mod that is based on somewhat evil things.kroeser
Extreme sound muffler (Forge)A client-side mod that allows you to muffle sounds selectively.LeoBeliik
Farmer’s DelightExpands upon farming and cooking in Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack.vectorwing
Farming for BlockheadsThis mod adds a Market block to Minecraft.BlayTheNinth
FarsightA client-side util that lets you see farther than the view distance.someaddon
Fast Leaf DecayMinecraft Forge mod that speeds up leaf decay.olafskiii
FindMeAllows you to search for items in nearby inventories by pressing a key.Buuz135
Fix Experience BugThis mod fixes a bug when players travel to and from other modded dimensionsMacTso
FlickerFixThis mod replaces night vision flicker behavior.MutantGumdrop
Game Menu Mod OptionAdded MOD settings to the game menu as before 1.12.2morimori0317
Gateways to EternityA mod where you open giant portals which pour forth hordes of enemies.Shadows_of_Fire
GlassentialAdd a bunch of cool glasses without the overhead of major content mod.Lykrast
Guard VillagersAdds Guards and new villager-related AI changes.almightytallestred
Harvest with easeWith this mod, you can just right-click on your crops to harvest them and leave a new plant to grow!Crystal_Spider_
Health OverlayReplaces the default heart renderer.Terrails
Hex CastingAdding stack-based programmable spellcasting.petrak_at
HexereiDelve into the magical world with mystical items.JoeFoxe
Iron JetpacksIron Jetpacks is a fully customizable Forge Energy-powered jetpacks mod.BlakeBr0
JourneyMapMaps your Minecraft world in real-time as you explore.techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens
JourneyMap IntegrationLets JourneyMap support some features from other modsfrankv_
Jumpy BoatsMake small jumps while riding a boatLobsterJonn
Just Enough Professions (JEP)JEI addons, allow the user to determine which worktables are required for each villager profession.Mrbysco, ShyNieke
Just Enough Resources (JER)JEI addon that adds lots of stuffway2muchnoise
Legendary TooltipsAllow you to change the tooltipsGrend_G
Mahou TsukaiMagic mod focused mainly on spell uniqueness and special effects.stepcros
MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy)Adds a Target Dummy.MehVahdJukaar
More Dragon EggsSpawns a new dragon egg every time the dragon is killed.Darkere
More Overlays UpdatedAdds some of the overlays back from NEI.RiDGo8
Mouse TweaksReplaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic.YaLTeR
MyrtreesNew custom tree – Rubber Trees.Jake_Evans
Mystical AgradditionsAdds Tier 6 crops.BlakeBr0
Mystical AgricultureGrowing your resources with crops with 150+ materials.BlakeBr0
Mystical CustomizationAdd and edit crops in Mystical Agriculture.BlakeBr0
NaturalistAdds more animals to the game that behave as they do in real life.SameDifferent, crispytwig, Starfish_Studios, noonyeyzz
Nature’s AuraCollecting, using, and replenishing the Aura naturally present in the world.Ellpeck
Nature’s CompassUtility item that allows you to search for a biome’s location and information.Chaosyr
NetherPortalFixKeeps track of Nether Portals destinations in Multiplayer.BlayTheNinth
NoMoWandererProvides the player with a few blocks/items to prevent or control Wandering Trader spawns.TheJDill
OccultismMagic mod inspired by the world of Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus.kli_kli
Oh The Biomes You’ll GoAn exploration and adventure mod with 80+ biomes.AOCAWOL, YaBoiChips_, Corgi_Taco
PackMenuAllows the user to change the way the Minecraft Main Menu looks.Shadows_of_Fire
Potions MasterAdds a new tier of potionsthevortexFoxTopia
Productive BeesAdds additional bees and advanced beehives.LobsterJonn
QuarkA large mod with lots of small features.Vazkii
RadonUnofficial Fork of CaffeineMC’s “Phosphor.”Asek3
Re-chiseledAllows you to exchange between various decorative blocks with connected textures.SuperMartijn642
ReAuthFixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session is invalid.TechnicianLP
Reliquary ReincarnationsA collection of magical items and blocks.P3pp3rF1y
Repurposed StructuresNew variants or modifications to vanilla features and structures.telepathicgrunt
Roots ClassicCreate spell powder using natural ingredients.Lothrazar
Simply LightLighting mod with a simplistic design.Flanks255
Small ShipsVanilla-friendly Ships.talhanation
Sophisticated BackpacksFocused on performing magical acts with souls.P3pp3rF1y
Spice of Life: Carrot EditionA mod designed to encourage dietary variety!lordcazsius
SpiritAllows you to transport Items, Fluids, and EnergyThatGravyBoat, grimbop, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth
Structure CompassAdds a compass that can be used to locate structures.Mrbysco
TesseractAllows you to transport Items, Fluid, and EnergySuperMartijn642
The Twilight ForestA dimension exploration mod focused on adventure.Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, Tamaized, Benimatic, GizmoTheMoonPig, jodlodi
Time in a bottle standaloneAccelerate the rate at which blocks tick.haoict
Toast ControlControl what toasts show up in Minecraft.Shadows_of_Fire
Tool BeltA utility belt that holds your tools.gigaherz
TorchmasterAdds a special torch that prevents mob spawning in a configurable radius.xalcon
Trash CansAdds Trash Cans which can be used to void items, fluids, and energy!SuperMartijn642
TrashSlotAdds a trash slot to your inventory, allowing you to quickly and safely get rid of unwanted items.BlayTheNinth
Travel AnchorsBrings Travel Anchors from EnderIO.CastCrafter
Universal GridAdds a Universal Grid.Ultramegaaa
UtilitiXAdds various things.MelanX, noeppinoeppi
Village ArtifactsMake villagers more useful.Lothrazar
VitalizeAllows you to simulate the death of any mob.ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth
Void TotemA totem that prevents you from dying in the void.Affehund
WaystonesAdds chargers that can charge nearby blocks and players.BlayTheNinth
When Dungeons AriseA massive dungeon generator.Aureljz, diamondtown_
Wireless ChargersAdds chargers which can charge nearby blocks and players.SuperMartijn642
Wither Skeleton TweaksMakes farming and searching for wither skeletons a much easier task.Shadows_of_Fire
XyCraftFoundation piece for all XyCraft mods.Soaryn
XyCraft: OverrideProvides alternative appearances to vanilla blocks.Soaryn
XyCraft: WorldA required component of most of XyCraft mods.Soaryn
Yeetus ExperimentusDisable the Experimental Settings popup.Sunekaer

Structures, Crafting, and Engineering Mods List Included in Minecraft All the Mods 8

This table is a list of every mod in the All the Mods 8 collection that enhances the features of Minecraft’s construction and crafting systems. For instance, the popular Ad Astra mod gives the land-based exploration game a space travel mechanism. The Integrated mod series’ many expansions will also boost crafting bonuses. There are many mods, but there are also easier and more useful ones. For instance,

Cooking for Blockheads

MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod

Macaw’s Lights and Lamps

Inventory Essentials

YUNG’s Better Dungeons

 View the official Minecraft All the Mods 8 trailer from AlfredGGMC above to see the highlights of the mod bundle.

Ad AstraA space mod with a focus on technology, travel, and exploration.AlexNijjar
Ad Astra!: Giselle AddonAd Astra! addon, add things for convenience, and compatibility.지젤쟝다
Additional Enchanted MinerThis is unofficial version of QuarryPlus created by yogpstop.Kotori316
Advanced GeneratorsFree Form Multi Block Modular Multi System Power Generators.bdew
Advanced PeripheralsA mod that adds many useful extensions for CC:Tweaked(Computercraft).srrendi, unhappywithoutu
AE Additions – ExtraCells2 ForkNew storage cells for all types: 1024k, 4096k, 16384k, 65536k(only items)MasterYodAT9G
AE2 ThingsAdds two machines from AE2Stuff the Advanced Inscriber and Crystal Growth Chamber.thetechnici4n, ProjectET
AEInfinityBoosterAdds Infinite Range Card and Dimension Card to AE2hexeptiondev
AlchemistryA tech mod, inspired by the classic Minechem.Dark_Arcana, Timbroglio_Bat
Almost UnifiedUnify all resources in Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack.Relentless, Lytho, AlmostReliable
Applied Energistics 2A Mod about Matter, Energy, and using them to conquer the world.TeamAppliedEnergistics, AlgorithmX2, thatsIch, thetechnici4n, Gimpanse
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless TerminalsA Fabric/Forge port of Wireless Crafting Terminal, Wireless Pattern Terminal, Wireless Interface Terminal, Wireless Fluid Terminal and Wireless Terminal Library.Mari_023, DomamaN202
Applied MekanisticsA Forge mod for 1.18.2.ramidzkh, thetechnici4n, Gimpanse
Ars CreoAddon for Ars Nouveau and Create!baileyholl2
Bigger ReactorsAn energy generation mod based on Erogenous Beef.RogueLogix, gizmocodes3750
Building GadgetsAims to make building a little bit easier.Error_MiKeY, Direwolf20
Cable TiersThis mod adds functions from Refined Storage and RSRequestify.Ultramegaaa
CC: TweakedAdds programmable computers, turtles, and more to the game.SquidDev
Charging GadgetsThis is a very simple mod that adds 1 single block. The charging station.Direwolf20
Compact MachinesThis is an unofficial version of QuarryPlus created by yogpstop.davenonymous, RobotGryphon
Construction WandWith a Construction Wand, you can place multiple blocks (up to 1024) at once.ThetaDev
Cooking for BlockheadsAdds a cooking book along with a functional kitchen.BlayTheNinth
Dank StorageAdds 7 new containers that function as storage and backpacks.tfarecnim
Deep ResonanceA power generation mod for Minecraft.McJty
DimStorageAdd a technological version of the ender chest system.3divad99
Elemental CraftA magic mod based around the 4 elements: fire, water, earth, and air.Sirttas
EnderChestsDimensional storage chest.ShetiPhian
EnderTanksDimensional liquid tank.ShetiPhian
Engineer’s DecorThe mod has its focus on decorative blocks and devices.wilechaote
EnsorcellationAdds a bunch of new enchantments.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
EntangledGives you the materials needed to bind two blocks together.SuperMartijn642
Extra DisksAdd-on for Refined Storage.MelanX
ExtraStorageAddon from Refined Storage. It adds 4 levels of crafters.3divad99
Flux NetworksGives you the ability to build Wireless Energy Networks.sonar_sonic, BloCamLimb
FramedBlocksAdds blocks of various shapes.XFactHD
FTB Industrial ContraptionsA tech mod included in Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack.FTB
Fuel Goes HereChanges the behavior so the fuel slot is always filled first before filling the input slot.LobsterJonn
Functional StorageAn alternative take on the storage solution of Storage Drawers.Buuz135, Ridanisaurus
Gravitational Modulating Additional UnitProvide additional features.지젤쟝다
HandcraftedA mod to make your house into your home!kekie6, AlexNijjar
Immersive EngineeringRealism-inspired technology mod.Sky_Som, malte0811, BluSunrize
Industrial ForegoingA mod that allows you to automate most of Minecraft’s functions.Buuz135, hrznstudio
Integrated CraftingAutomatically craft items, fluids, and energy in your Integrated Dynamics networks.kroeser
Integrated DynamicsA mod that lets you build networks for complex automation and system integration.kroeser
Integrated NBTAn addon for Minecraft mod Integrated Dynamics.scleox
Integrated TerminalsAdds terminals for managing Integrated Dynamics networks.kroeser
Integrated TunnelsTransfer items, fluids, and energy over your Integrated Dynamics networks.kroeser
Inventory EssentialsThis mod adds a few inventory control enhancements.BlayTheNinth
Inventory Profiles NextHelp you keep your inventory sorted.mirinimi
Iron FurnacesPush smelting to the absolute limit.pizzaatime, XenoMustache
Item CollectorsAdds Collectors which collect items in a specified range!SuperMartijn642
LaserIORoute Items, Fluids, and Energy around your world – with Lasers!Direwolf20
Little ContraptionsSmall add-on mod to Little Logistics.EDToaster, Sveid_
Little LogisticsWater & Rail logistics mod.EDToaster, Sveid_
Macaw’s BridgesThis simple mod adds a variety of bridges.sketch_macaw
Macaw’s DoorsGives you the opportunity to make vanilla doors with every wood.sketch_macaw
Macaw’s Fences and WallsAdds new vanilla-styled fences, walls, and gates.sketch_macaw
Macaw’s Lights and LampsAdds new light sources.sketch_macaw
Macaw’s RoofsLets you build a roof with actual roofs.sketch_macaw
Macaw’s TrapdoorsAdds vanilla trapdoors and some new trapdoors.sketch_macaw
ME RequesterAutomatically keep items and fluids in your Applied Energistics 2 ME-System in stock.Relentless
MeasurementsAllows measuring distance using a tape measure.Mrbysco
MEGA CellsFor when kilobytes just won’t do.62831853
MekanismA suite of low, mid, and high-tier machinery.pupnewfster, bradyaidanc, thommy101, Thiakil
Mekanism GeneratorsAddon to Mekanism.pupnewfster, bradyaidanc, thommy101, Thiakil
Mekanism ToolsAddon to Mekanism.pupnewfster, bradyaidanc, thommy101, Thiakil
MineColoniesAn interactive building mod.Raycoms, someaddon
Mining GadgetsLets you mine with new tools and lasers.Error_MiKeY, Direwolf20
Mob Grinding UtilsA fully modular system for mob farms.vadis365, Flanks255
Modular RoutersA flexible mod for moving items around the worlddesht_08
Morph-o-ToolThe Morphing Tool is a perfect “omni-wrench” for large modpacks.Vazkii
MrCrayfish’s Furniture ModAdding functioning and useful furniture and decorations.MrCrayfish
Multi-PistonAdds a multipiston block to the game.Raycoms, OrionOnline
OpenBlocks ElevatorPort of the elevator from OpenBlocks to 1.8+ (Forge)vsngarcia
PipezAdds simple and highly configurable pipes.henkelmax
PolymorphSolves recipe conflicts.TheIllusiveC4
Powah! (Rearchitected)Adds new ways to generate, store, and transmit Energy.thetechnici4n
PylonsVarious new magic blocks.MutantGumdrop
Ranged PumpsAdds a pump that pumps liquids in a range.raoulvdberge
Reborn StorageAdding multi-block crafters and larger disks.Gigabit101, modmuss50
Redstone ArsenalAdds tools and weaponry which harness the power of Redstone Flux.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Refined CookingAllows Refined Storage and Cooking for Blockheads to work together!ItsSebastrn
Refined StorageMass storage mod that offers the player a network-based storage system.raoulvdberge
Refined Storage AddonsAn addon mod for Refined Storage.raoulvdberge
Refined Storage: RequestifyAn addon mod for Refined Storage.Buuz135
RFTools BaseBase mod for all tech mods by McJty.McJty
RFTools BuilderAddon for RFTools Base.McJty
RFTools ControlAddon mod for the RFTools.McJty
RFTools PowerAddon for the RFTools mods.McJty
RFTools StorageAddon for RFTools Base, which adds the storage system.McJty
RFTools Utility1.14+ version of the original RFTools.McJty
RhinoA fork of Mozilla’s Rhino library, modified for use in mods.LatvianModder
RSInfinityBoosterAdds Infinite Range Card and Dimension Card to Refined Storage.hexeptiondev
RubidiumRubidium is an Unofficial Fork of CaffeineMC’s “Sodium.”Asek3
Security CraftAdds blocks and items to defend and secure your base.bl4ckscor3, Geforce132, MasterPerki
Shrink.Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack that allows players to change size.Gigabit101
Silent GearAllows you to build complicated machine contraptions and hide them within a single Compact Machine block.SilentChaos512
Simple MagnetsSimple Magnets adds Magnets that pickup Items and Experience.SuperMartijn642
Sophisticated StorageAdds multiple tiers of Barrels, Chests, and Shulker Boxes.P3pp3rF1y
Super Factory Manager ( SFM )Adds a new scripting language for Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack.TeamDman
SupplementariesConfigurable Forge mod, adding valuable content.MehVahdJukaar
TempadCreate a portal to any location.MsRandom1, ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth
Thermal CultivationA collection of farming and food-related things.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal DynamicsModule containing ducts that allow for transport of Energy and Fluids.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal ExpansionContains the “industrial base,” for energy generation, storage, and resource processing.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal FoundationCollection of common components, resources, and tools.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal InnovationA collection of things that increase player-centric power.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal IntegrationAll of the compatibility materials, recipes, and enhancements for Thermal Series.TeamCoFH
Thermal LocomotionRails and Minecarts for the Thermal Series.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal SysteamsEnhance your power generation with Steam!ChiefArug
Thermal: ExtraAdd new content to Thermal.mrthomas20121
TheurgyMagic mod built around alchemy.kli_kli
XNetNetworking cables to transport items, fluids, energy, and information.McJty
XNet GasesAllows XNet to transport Mekanism chemicals.Terrails
YUNG’s Better Desert TemplesRedesigns vanilla desert temples.YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt
YUNG’s Better DungeonsRedesigns vanilla dungeons.YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt
YUNG’s Better MineshaftsRevamps vanilla abandoned mineshafts.YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG’s Better Nether FortressesRedesigns Nether fortresses.YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt
YUNG’s Better Ocean MonumentsRedesigns ocean monuments.YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt
YUNG’s Better StrongholdsRedesigns strongholds.YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander
YUNG’s Better Witch HutsAdds multiple new hut variants.YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander
YUNG’s ExtrasA myriad of structures, features, and vanilla+ content.YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander

3. API, Library, and Backend Mods List in the Mod Pack

These API and library tools on this list are also necessary, to name just a few. If not, the majority of the mods included in this collection won’t function with your game. Many of the other tools included in All the Mods 8 packs are also great for modders to employ in their Minecraft modifications.

AlchemyLibA library mod for sharing code between ChemLib addon.Dark_Arcana
Architectury APIAn intermediary API to ease developing multiplatform mods.shedaniel, MaxNeedsSnacks, Juicebus
Async LocatorModifies vanilla behavior, mitigating lag.bright_spark
AttributeFixRemoves limits on the attribute system.DarkhaxDev
AutoRegLibCommon code for Vazkii mods.Vazkii
BalmAbstraction Layer for Blay’s multiplatform mods.BlayTheNinth
BdLibCollection of generic code for mods.bdew
BlockUIAn XML-based UI management system for Minecraft.Raycoms, OrionOnline, someaddon
BookshelfA collection of code, frameworks, utilities, and other resources.DarkhaxDev
BotariumMakes modding on Forge and Fabric easier.ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth
Caelus APIUtility mod that abstracts the hardcoded vanilla elytra.TheIllusiveC4
ChemLibAdds 950+ items, adding all known chemical elements.Dark_Arcana, Timbroglio_Bat
Cloth Config APIConfig screen API.shedaniel, LinkieIsBetterThanK9
CoFH CoreContains Core Functionality for Team CoFH mods.TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Common CapabilitiesImproves mod interactions.kroeser
ConfiguredMod that creates a configuration menu for moda.MrCrayfish
ConnectedTexturesModAllows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, etc.tterrag1098
ConnectivityLightweight mod which solves connection problems.someaddon
CorgiLibCode for Corgi Taco’s mods.Corgi_Taco
Crash UtilitiesTools for finding and fixing server problems.Darkere
Cucumber LibraryContains shared code and functionality.BlakeBr0
Curios APIAccessory/equipment API.TheIllusiveC4
Cyclops CoreAllows you to declare custom recipes via XML.kroeser
DataPack AnvilA library mod for datapack-driven mods.Sirttas
EdivadLibA common library for Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack.3divad99
Entity Collision FPS FixClient Side mod that optimizes entities on the render thread.Corgi_Taco
Entity CullingUsing async path-tracing to skip rendering Block/Entities that are not visible.tr7zw
FastFurnaceUtilizes mixins to edit the functionality of the Furnace, Blast Furnace, and Smoker.Shadows_of_Fire
FastSuiteEnables faster execution of recipe matching.Shadows_of_Fire
FastWorkbenchImproves performance of all crafting-related functions.Shadows_of_Fire
FerriteCoreThis mod reduces memory usage.malte0811
FTB ChunksA allows you to claim chunks.FTB, Error_MiKeY
FTB EssentialsAdds many essential utility commands for servers:FTB, Error_MiKeY
FTB LibraryCommon code for all GUI stuff in FTB Mods.FTB, Error_MiKeY
FTB QuestsA lightweight, team-based questing mod.FTB, Error_MiKeY
FTB RanksAdds ranking system.FTB, Error_MiKeY
FTB TeamsLibrary for mods that can utilize team progressions.FTB, Error_MiKeY
FTB UltimineThis mod allows you to harvest multiple blocks at once.FTB, Error_MiKeY
GeckoLibAn animation engine for Minecraft Mods.Gecko
Get It Together, Drops!This mod adds two configuration options to control how dropped items combine on the ground.bl4ckscor3
IcebergThis library contains new events, helpers, and utilities.Grend_G
Item FiltersA library mod that is used by mods like FTB QuestsLatvianModder
JCPluginCore Plugin Library for JomcraftNetwork’s modsPT400C
Just Enough Items (JEI)An item and recipe viewing mod.mezz
Kotlin for ForgeUsed to make mods with Kotlin.thedarkcolour
KubeJSLets you create scripts in JavaScript to manage your server.LatvianModder
Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU)Optimization mod that makes the initialization of DataFixerUpper “lazy.”Corgi_Taco, tuxed
Let Me DespawnImproves performance by tweaking mob despawn rules.frikinjay1
libIPNUsed by Inventory Profiled Next.mirinimi
LibXA library mod that contains a lot of code used by other mods.MelanX, noeppinoeppi
LootrAll loot chests are instanced per player and visually unique.Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt
McJtyLibA companion mod for mods from McJty and romelo333.McJty
Mod Name TooltipShows which mod an ItemStack came from on its tooltip.mezz
Model Gap FixFixes small gaps in item and block models.MehVahdJukaar
ModonomiconData-driven in-game documentation.kli_kli
Moonlight LibFormerly Selene Library.MehVahdJukaar
My Server Is CompatibleDisables “Incompatible FML modded server” message.Focamacho
ObservableShows you what’s taking up tick time and where.tasgon
OculusUnofficial Fork of “Iris.”Asek3
PatchouliData-driven documentation for modders.Vazkii
PAUCALPetrak@’s Assorted, Useful Collection of Assistance Library.petrak_at
PhosphophylliteUsed by mods in the Bigger Series.RogueLogix, gizmocodes3750
Pig Pen CipherAdds the Pig Pen Cipher as a new font.DarkhaxDev
PlaceboHolds shared code.Shadows_of_Fire
PlatformsAdds platforms with a range of customization.ShetiPhian
PneumaticCraft: RepressurizedPressure generation based on compressed air.desht_08, Minemaarten
Ponder for KubeJSCreate custom Ponder scenes with KubeJS.Lytho
PrismUtilities to add color-related functionality to your mods.Grend_G
QuartzQuartz rendering library.RogueLogix
Resourceful ConfigCross-platform configuration.ThatGravyBoat
Resourceful LibLibrary that contains valuable utilities and APIs.ThatGravyBoat, epic_oreo
RunelicAllows the Runelic font to be used.DarkhaxDev
SaturnMemory usage optimizer.AbdElAziz333
Scalable Cat’s ForceA library for mods written in Scala.Kotori316
SebastrnLibCommon lib project for all Sebastrn mods.ItsSebastrn
ShetiPhianCoreCore classes for mods.ShetiPhian
Silent Lib (silentlib)Shared classes for mods.SilentChaos512
Simple BackupsUsed to create backups.MelanX
SmartBrainLibA brain library.Scimiguy
Smooth BootOptimization mod and unofficial fork of Smooth Boot.AbdElAziz333
Sophisticated CoreA library mod for mods.P3pp3rF1y
sparkPerformance profiler.Iucko
Structure Gel APIAPI mod designed to make creating structures easier.ModdingLegacy, silver_david
StructurizeA server utility mod.Raycoms, OrionOnline, Asherslab
SuperMartijn642’s Config LibAllows you to specify a config.SuperMartijn642
SuperMartijn642’s Core LibAdds lots of basic implementations for GUIs, blocks, tile entities, and network packets.SuperMartijn642
TerraBlenderLibrary mod for adding biomes.TheAdubbz
The One ProbeA more immersive version of WAILA.McJty
TitaniumLibrary for Horizon Studio.Buuz135
YUNG’s APIA library mod for some of YUNG’s Forge mods.YUNGNICKYOUNG

And they are all of the more than 300 mods included in the Minecraft All the Mods 8 collection, which will undoubtedly enhance your crafting and mining adventures.

You can now play Minecraft on PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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