Top 5 PC Software Games In June 2023
PC games are some of the greatest games, in terms of the technical and creative aspects. The smooth graphics and larger than life gaming experiences makes PC gaming much better than mobile games. With so many PC software games out there, it can become difficult to decide which is the best. So here are 5 PC Software games in June 2023 that you can enjoy.
Top 5 PC Software games in June 2023
Elden Ring

You could easily swap this out for any game from the Dark Souls series, but Elden Ring is the more recent version of the Dark Soul series. And it’s a real masterpiece. It is an open-world game wherein one minute it’s oppressive and the very next moment its jaw dropping. The minute you feel you have witnessed everything that the Elden Ring world has to offer, that’s when you will discover a whole new area hidden beneath a well or laying behind an illusory wall.
Age of Wonders 4

Age of Wonders 4 makes use of player freedom and customization in a turn-based 4X games. ANd it is to a whole new level. The game enables you to design your own factions and form almost limitless options of aesthetics, bonuses, and powerful Tomes of Magic. The choices that this game offers is truly remarkable. Be it random events or economy management and even hero equipment, player will find themselves making a decision or rather tough choices.
Forza Horizon 5
We are talking about PC games, and not including a racing game would be criminal. Racing games have been some of the early PC games, and it won’t be wrong to say they have greatly helped shape PC gaming. While gaming consoles took racing games to another level, the Forza Horizon series still captures the charm of PC gaming perfectly. Be it chasing a train or purchasing your hundredth whip, there’s a host of things to do in this game.
The Witcher 3

It is safe to say that The Witcher 3 is one of the best RPG ever made outside of Japan. This iconic game is not only epic but also all-encompassing. You can control the witcher, who is a kind of ronin monster hunter. The witcher takes down beasts for coin. The game has some unexpected turns such as interesting side stories about social issue like spousal abuse, class divides, and what loneliness does to a person.
Final Fantasy XIV

World of Warcraft dominated the MMORPGs on PC for several years, but Final Fantasy XIV has broken its streak to become the best in recent years. When it was initially launch in 2010 it was a disaster. But after it revamped in 2014, it broke all records. Ever since it has only grown stronger and stronger. The game releases story expansions that are said to be superior than even the mainline games.