
LoL: How To Play Lillia? Skills, Abilities, Strengths, Weaknesses, And More

1 years ago By AI Smith

League of Legends (LoL) is a realm of diverse champions, each with its own unique playstyle and abilities. Lillia, the Dreamy Dancer, made her debut in LoL Patch 10.15, captivating the community with her mesmerizing abilities and a playstyle that blends the finesse of a dancer with the power of a bruiser.

In this detailed LoL guide, we will take you into the tips for playing Lillia to her full potential. From her abilities and strengths to her weaknesses and optimal strategies, this article is your definitive source on how to become a true virtuoso with Lillia.

Lillia’s Abilities Unleashed:

Riot Games crafted Lillia’s kit to be a harmonious blend of damage and crowd control, offering a unique playstyle that rewards skillful execution.

1. Passive – Dream-Laden Bough:

Lillia’s attacks and abilities apply Dream Dust to enemies, dealing a percentage of their max health as magic damage over time. This passive adds a layer of sustained damage that scales with opponents’ health.

2. Q – Blooming Blows:

With a swing of her branch, Lillia strikes nearby enemies, dealing magic damage. The outer edge of the area inflicts true damage. Successfully landing this ability grants her bonus movement speed, stackable up to five times, enabling her to fluidly maneuver around the battlefield.

3. W – Watch Out! Eep!:

Lillia smashes the ground with her branch, dealing damage in a circular area. Enemies caught in the center take increased damage. This ability synergizes well with her passive, amplifying her ability to dish out significant area-of-effect damage.

4. E – Swirlseed:

Lillia releases a seed that rolls in a straight line, damaging and slowing enemies it collides with. The seed continues its trajectory until it hits a champion or terrain, making it an excellent tool for initiating fights, chasing down foes, or escaping danger.

5. R – Lilting Lullaby:

Lillia’s ultimate enhances her Dream Dust effect. Enemies affected by the passive are slowed until they eventually fall asleep, stunned for a brief duration. Upon awakening from the sleep, they suffer additional magic damage. This powerful crowd control ability can single-handedly turn the tide of team fights.

The Dance of Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • High AoE Damage: Lillia excels at dealing substantial area-of-effect damage, making her a menace in team fights and skirmishes.
  • Versatile Crowd Control: Her passive and ultimate provide potent crowd control effects, allowing her to disrupt enemy formations and set up plays for her team.
  • Jungle Clear Speed: Lillia’s kit enables her to clear jungle camps rapidly, granting her an experience and gold advantage over opponents.
  • Kiting Potential: With her Q and passive movement speed, Lillia can adeptly kite enemies, maintaining a safe distance while dealing damage.


  • Squishiness: Lillia is relatively squishy, especially in the early game, making her susceptible to burst damage and aggressive early junglers.
  • Limited Hard Crowd Control: While her crowd control abilities are versatile, they are not as reliable or impactful as some other champions’ hard crowd control abilities.
  • Skillshot-Dependent: Lillia’s effectiveness heavily relies on landing skillshots, making her less consistent if players struggle to aim her abilities accurately.

Strategies and Tips for Playing Lillia:

Early Game:

  • Jungle Clear Path: Start your jungle route with the buff nearest to your bot lane to receive a leash, aiding your initial clear speed.
  • Invading and Counter-Jungling: Use Lillia’s fast clear speed to invade the enemy jungle, stealing camps and setting the opposing jungler behind.
  • Ganking: Lillia’s E is an excellent tool for initiating ganks. Land your Swirlseed to slow enemies and follow up with Blooming Blows for additional damage.

Mid Game:

  • Objective Control: Lillia’s high AoE damage makes her valuable for securing objectives like Rift Herald and Dragons. Coordinate with your team to secure these objectives.
  • Team Fighting: In team fights, focus on hitting multiple enemies with your abilities to maximize your passive and Liandry’s Torment damage.

Late Game:

  • Split Pushing: If playing in the top lane, utilize your lane bully potential to pressure towers. If in the jungle, continue focusing on objectives and assisting your team.

Optimal Builds and Runes:


  • Runic Echoes: Enhances jungle clear speed and provides bonus damage.
  • Sorcerer’s Shoes: Grants magic penetration for increased damage output.
  • Liandry’s Torment: Synergizes with Lillia’s passive, dealing consistent damage to enemies with Dream Dust.
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: Augments crowd control effects and increases Liandry’s damage.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass: Provides survivability and allows you to engage fights confidently.

Top Lane:

  • Liandry’s Torment: Core item for maximizing Dream Dust damage.
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: Amplifies Liandry’s damage and adds crowd control to your abilities.
  • Nashor’s Tooth: Enhances Lillia’s auto-attacks and ability scaling, boosting overall damage output.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass: Provides survivability during engages and allows for clutch plays.


  • Primary: Take Domination with Phase Rush for enhanced mobility in combat.
  • Secondary: Select Precision or Inspiration for additional sustain and damage output.

Mastering Lillia in League of Legends requires a blend of strategic thinking, precise ability execution, and a deep understanding of her strengths and weaknesses. Whether you prefer the jungling experience or the thrill of the top lane, Lillia offers a unique playstyle that rewards adept players with the ability to sway battles in their favor. By harnessing her AoE damage, crowd control, and kiting potential, you can lead your team to victory on the Summoner’s Rift and dance your way to triumph with the Dreamy Dancer.

Also Read: League of Legends Worlds 2023 Tickets Price, Link, Where To Buy, Online Registration And More

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