
League of Legends: Mastering Taric – The Ultimate Build Guide

1 years ago By AI Smith

Taric, the Gem Knight, is a beloved support champion in League of Legends known for his tankiness, crowd control, and ability to provide crucial utility to his team. With the recent introduction of the new Arena game mode, Taric has found a prominent place in the hearts of players due to his exceptional performance and high win and ban rates. 

In this detailed guide, we will explore the best LoL Taric build in the game, uncovering the optimal itemization, skill order, and strategies that will elevate your gameplay and make you an unstoppable force in LoL’s latest game mode.

Understanding Taric’s Strength in LoL Arena

LoL Arena offers a fresh and exhilarating twist to traditional gameplay, presenting a 2v2v2v2 format where players team up with one partner to prove their worth as gladiators. In this action-packed setting, Taric emerges as a formidable support choice, capable of creating a near-invulnerable frontline for his partner while dishing out crowd control and healing.

One of Taric’s primary strengths lies in his powerful ultimate, Cosmic Radiance. This ability renders both Taric and his ally invulnerable to all damage, crowd control, and other detrimental effects for a few seconds. This game-changing ability can turn the tide of battle in the Arena, providing a crucial advantage when timed right.

Additionally, Taric boasts a peeling kit, allowing him to protect his partner by stunning and crowd-controlling enemies with Dazzle (E) and providing healing and shielding with Starlight’s Touch (Q) and Bastion (W). His supportive capabilities make him the perfect ally for carry champions in LoL Arena.

The Best Taric Build in LoL Arena – Itemization

Mastering Taric in the Arena begins with selecting the right items that complement his strengths and bolster his performance. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the best Taric build for LoL Arena:

Starting Items and Boots:

  • Guardian’s Amulet: This starting item is an excellent choice for Taric as it provides essential stats such as ability power, ability haste, and increased heals and shield power, which are crucial for early rounds.
  • Guardian’s Horn: In certain scenarios where facing strong early-game team compositions, Guardian’s Horn can be a viable alternative.

As the game progresses, you will have the opportunity to choose your boots based on the enemy team composition and your partner’s needs:

  • Plated Steelcaps: These boots are the preferred choice for Taric in most situations. They significantly reduce incoming damage from auto attacks, enhancing Taric’s durability in the Arena.
  • Mercury’s Treads: Opt for Mercury’s Treads when facing multiple magic-damage team compositions with crowd control. The tenacity provided by these boots can be invaluable in such scenarios.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity: These boots are generally not recommended for Taric in the Arena. Taric’s primary goal is survival to provide continuous support to his partner, making extra resistances from other boots more valuable.

Mythic Item and Core Items:

  • Moonstone Renewer: This is the go-to Mythic item for Taric in the Arena. It synergizes exceptionally well with Taric’s kit, enabling him to further increase the shields and heals he grants to his ally. The continuous healing and shielding provided by Moonstone Renewer can significantly impact the outcome of battles.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari: This item can be a strong alternative to Moonstone Renewer, especially when facing teams with high burst damage. Locket’s shield can help counter incoming burst damage and keep Taric and his partner alive in critical moments.
  • Everfrost: Consider Everfrost as another alternative Mythic item. Its active ability provides a reliable crowd-control tool that can set up plays for Taric and his partner.

Following the Mythic item, two core items for Taric are essential to maximizing his supportive capabilities:

  • Knight’s Vow: Link with your partner using Knight’s Vow to tank more damage for them while enhancing their damage output whenever you immobilize an enemy.
  • Zeke’s Convergence: This item synergizes perfectly with Taric’s crowd control. Link with your partner using Zeke’s Convergence to amplify their damage whenever you immobilize an enemy with your abilities.

Armor and Magic Resistance Items:

Taric needs to further bolster his resistances to remain an unyielding force in the Arena. Consider these items for both armor and magic resistance:

Armor Items:

  • Thornmail: Thornmail is an effective armor item that provides Grievous Wounds and reflects damage back to attackers.
  • Frozen Heart: This item is an excellent choice when facing auto-attack-based champions or champions that rely on their abilities for damage.

Magic Resistance Items:

  • Abyssal Mask: Abyssal Mask can provide Taric with valuable magic resistance while also boosting his supportive capabilities by enhancing the damage of his ally’s abilities.
  • Force of Nature: Consider Force of Nature when facing multiple magic-damage champions or in situations where additional magic resistance is needed.

Situational Items:

One of the strengths of Taric in LoL Arena lies in the wide array of situational items available. Customize Taric’s build based on the current game state and the specific challenges you face:

  • Redemption: Redemption is a valuable item for restoring additional health and turning the tide of battle with its healing effect.
  • Spirit Visage: Spirit Visage can enhance Taric’s self-healing and make him even tankier.
  • Randuin’s Omen: Choose Randuin’s Omen when facing marksmen and auto-attack-based champions for its critical strike damage reduction.
  • Mikael’s Blessing: If you need to cleanse incoming crowd control effects on you or your partner, Mikael’s Blessing is a valuable choice.
  • Thornmail: Consider Thornmail as a strong option when facing enemies with significant healing, as its Grievous Wounds effect will reduce their healing.
  • Frozen Heart: Frozen Heart can be an effective choice when facing auto-attack-based champions or champions that rely heavily on their abilities for damage.

The versatility of Taric’s itemization allows players to adapt their build to suit the ever-changing dynamics of the Arena. Keep a keen eye on the game’s progress and your opponent’s team composition to select the most impactful items for each situation.

Maxing Abilities and Augments:

To optimize Taric’s performance in LoL Arena, it’s essential to prioritize his ability maxing order:

Max E – Dazzle: Maxing Dazzle first is crucial to lower its cooldown, allowing Taric and his ally to stun enemies more frequently.

Max Q – Starlight’s Touch: Maxing Starlight’s Touch second enhances the potency of Taric’s heals.

Max W – Bastion: Maxing Bastion last is ideal since it provides a percentage max health shield, which scales well with levels.

In addition to ability maxing, selecting the right augments is equally crucial in the Arena game mode. Here are the best augments for Taric, ranked by tier and in order:

Silver Augments:

  • Sonic Boom: Granting a buff, heal, or shield to your ally deals true damage and slows enemies within 450 units of them. This augment synergizes perfectly with Taric’s Q and W abilities.
  • First-Aid Kit: Grants increased heal and shield power, enhancing the effectiveness of Taric’s supportive capabilities.
  • Frost Wraith: Automatically roots enemies within 450 units for one second, providing crowd control utility.

Among the silver-tier augments, Sonic Boom is a must-have, offering exceptional power and synergy with Taric’s abilities. If unavailable, First-Aid Kit and Frost Wraith are also valuable choices.

Gold Augments:

  • Willing Sacrifice: Sacrifice your current health to grant your ally a shield when they drop below 30% health. This augment can save your partner in critical moments.
  • Rabble Rousing: Casting an ability heals you for a percentage of your maximum health, enhancing Taric’s survivability.
  • Shrink Ray: Your attacks reduce an enemy’s damage, providing damage mitigation utility.
  • Banner of Command: Grants your ally bonus health, attack damage, ability power, and attack speed, bolstering their combat capabilities.
  • Defensive Maneuvers: Casts both Barrier and Heal on you and your ally, enhancing your survivability and healing potential.
  • Perseverance: Grants increased base health regeneration, boosting Taric’s sustainability.
  • Recursion: Grants ability haste, reducing cooldowns for more frequent use of abilities.

Taric boasts several strong choices among gold augments. Willing Sacrifice and Rabble Rousing stand out as the strongest two choices, but each augment can bring valuable benefits to Taric’s gameplay.

Prismatic Augments:

  • Windspeaker’s Blessing: Heals and shields also grant the target bonus armor and magic resistance, enhancing the defensive capabilities of Taric’s abilities.
  • Spirit Link: Redirect damage dealt to your ally to yourself and heal yourself. This augment can be a game-changer in keeping both you and your partner alive.
  • Ultimate Revolution: Casting your ultimate ability resets its cooldown immediately after use, allowing Taric to cast his game-changing ultimate ability twice in a row.

Taric’s Prismatic Augments may not be as varied as some other champions’, but these three are incredibly powerful and can significantly impact your performance in the Arena.

With the League of Legends Arena game mode captivating players worldwide, Taric emerges as a radiant gem in this fast-paced setting. By mastering the best Taric build and understanding the optimal augments, you’ll harness the full potential of the Gem Knight and become an indomitable duo in the ever-thrilling LoL Arena. Embrace Taric’s radiance, protect your partner, and triumph as champions in the ultimate proving ground of gladiators.

Also Read: LoL Briar Release Date July 2023: Features, Updates, Skins, Rewards And More

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