
Briar Jungle In League of Legends: Runes, Items, Path Strategy And Game Play

1 years ago By AI Smith

League of Legends, the ever-evolving world of competitive gaming, welcomes its newest addition to the champion roster, Briar, the enigmatic Noxian hemomancer. With her unique and captivating playstyle, Briar has swiftly made her presence known in the Summoner’s Rift. 

As she enters the jungle, she brings with her a set of intriguing abilities that offer both sustainability and skirmishing power as a formidable bruiser. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know to master Briar’s jungle playstyle, including runes, items, jungle pathing, and gameplay strategy.

Briar’s Journey Begins in the Jungle

Briar’s entrance into the League of Legends arena came with the release of Patch 13.18, and she is already making waves in the meta with her captivating gameplay. Currently, she shines brightest in the jungle role, where her unique skillset allows her to excel. As she is a relatively new addition, players are still experimenting with various loadouts and strategies. This guide aims to provide a solid foundation for jungle enthusiasts looking to harness the power of Briar.

Optimal Rune Choices for Briar

Briar’s success in the jungle starts with the right rune setup. Here is a recommended rune page that can empower your Briar gameplay:

Primary Tree: Precision

  • Keystone Rune: Conqueror
  • Secondary Runes: Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand

Secondary Tree: Resolve

Secondary Runes: Conditioning, Revitalize

Rune Shards

  • Attack Speed
  • Adaptive Force
  • Armor or Magic Resist (Choose based on jungle matchup)

The Conqueror keystone is a crucial choice for Briar, given her penchant for prolonged skirmishes and sustained combat. It allows her to stack up damage and become increasingly formidable as fights progress.

Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand are secondary runes that synergize well with Briar’s kit. Triumph provides her with crucial survivability during fights, while Legend: Tenacity reduces crowd control’s impact on her. Last Stand amps up her damage output as her health decreases, making her a consistent threat.

In the Resolve tree, Conditioning boosts Briar’s durability, and Revitalize enhances her healing capabilities, ensuring she remains a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Building Briar’s Arsenal: Items to Consider

Selecting the right items is vital to maximize Briar’s potential in the jungle. Here are some key item choices for Briar:

  • Jungle Companion: Mosstomper Seedling
  • Mythic Item: Stridebreaker
  • Core Items: Blade of the Ruined King and Black Cleaver
  • Boots: Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads
  • Situational Items: Spear of Shojin, Guardian Angel, Death’s Dance, Bloodthirster, and Maw of Malmortius

The Mosstomper Seedling serves as an excellent jungle companion for Briar, providing increased tenacity and shielding, enhancing her overall durability. Stridebreaker is a potent mythic item that allows her to maintain close proximity to her foes, making it highly effective for Briar.

Blade of the Ruined King and Black Cleaver are core items that synergize seamlessly with her abilities. Plated Steelcaps and Mercury Treads offer essential defensive options for boots, depending on the enemy team composition.

In the later stages of the game, consider Spear of Shojin and Death’s Dance as strong purchases for the fourth and fifth item slots. Bloodthirster and Maw of Malmortius are valuable defensive options that enhance her sustainability.

Guardian Angel, an item that grants a second chance to inflict further damage, is a solid choice for any bruiser and is especially valuable for Briar.

Navigating the Briar Jungle: Pathing and Ganking Strategy

A successful jungle path is crucial to Briar’s effectiveness in League of Legends. Here’s a recommended jungle path to follow:

  • Red Brambleback
  • Krugs
  • Raptors
  • Murk Wolves
  • Gromp
  • Blue Buff
  • Scuttle Crab or initiate a gank in either the Top or Bot Lane

This default path is efficient and safe, setting the stage for a strong early game. Briar relies on her abilities and benefits from clearing her jungle before engaging in early skirmishes. Her innate healing capabilities make jungle clearing a breeze, allowing her to look for ganks and skirmishes once she reaches level four, equipped with double buffs.

Prioritize leveling up Briar’s W ability, which forms the core of her kit. Subsequently, invest points into her E ability and allocate one point into her Q ability at level 3. The skill leveling order should be W > Q > E.

Maxing Q over E is recommended because it provides a reliable gap-closer and point-and-click stun, making Briar an effective ganker and skirmisher. While her E is excellent for clearing camps like Krugs, Wolves, and Raptors, it poses challenges when used against champions, which is why it is maxed last.

Once you hit level six, capitalize on long-range engages to eliminate unsuspecting enemies with her ultimate. This ability is invaluable during fights near Dragon and Rift Herald, establishing Briar’s role as a formidable jungler in controlling objectives.

Mid-to-Late Game Dominance with Briar

In the mid-to-late game of League of Legends, Briar’s primary focus is on landing her ultimate on key targets and synergizing with her teammates’ abilities. Champions like Nautilus and Rakan pair exceptionally well with Briar during this phase.

Briar excels as a duelist in the mid-game, once she reaches her item spikes. Seek out skirmishes and teamfights to leverage her lead. However, exercise caution not to overextend, as Briar can be relatively squishy outside of her ultimate.

In late-game teamfights, Briar transitions into a pseudo-tank, with a focus on eliminating high-priority targets such as AD Carries and Mid Laners. She can also excel as a potent split pusher when the opportunity arises, showcasing her versatility as a jungler in League of Legends.

Briar’s arrival injects fresh excitement into the League of Legends jungle, offering players a dynamic and engaging experience. As you embark on your journey with Briar, adapt your strategy to match your team composition and the evolving dynamics of the game.

Also Read: League Of Legends Patch 13.18 Review, Analysis And Impression

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